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What's an e-book bundle ?

Hey, what's this thing called an e-book bundle?

Well, funny you should ask! The e-book bundle is new to the Australian marketplace.

Essentially, it's a special, wrapped package whereby you can buy both the book and the e-book in one bundle.

Why, you ask, would you want to do that???

Well, ever had that feeling where you buy a book for a friend for Christmas - but wish you could keep it for yourself? And you don't really want to buy two copies !! Books can be expensive.

Or ... what about those times when you've left your 'real' book at home .. but suddenly find yourself with time on the train? Whip out your e-book copy, and pick up where you left off.

Or ... you're at the beach. You don't want to take your digital tablet, but you're half-way through your book! Take your paperback copy, and it won't matter if it gets all wet and sandy.

As strange as it seems, given all the benefits, it's taken some time for this product to be made available to Australian consumers.

HarperCollins today becomes the first Australian publisher to offer ebook bundles.

At this stage, it's only a trial, and it's only a few books:

The Menzies Era by John Howard

Kerry Stokes: The Boy from Nowhere by Andrew Rule

Cleanskin Cowgirls by Rachael Treasure

Ghost House by Alexandra Adornetto

AND ... (drumroll)

Last Woman Hanged by Caroline Overington (that's me!!)

The books are wrapped with unique codes inside, which allow you to download the digital copy.

Intrigued? Try it out here. The good folk at Pages and Pages are some of the first retailers to give it a try; and Boomerang Books has the packages, too.

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